
Below you can see already created Integration page. Every integration consists of 2 applications being integrated together.

  1. Advanced configuration for integration

  2. Migration configuration for particular integration

  3. Settings configuration

  4. Applications that are integrated

  5. Items filtering - filter items to select portion of those that should be synced

  6. Actions available for type mapping

    1. Copy configuration - copies whole configuration which can be reused for another type mapping

    2. Disable

    3. Delete

  7. Save / Create integration

  8. Name of integration (can be changed at any time)


Every integration consists of items types mappings. Types mappings needs to be selected so Getint knows how to translate item type from one app when creating item in another app.

E.g. in Jira you can have in default Tasks, Bugs, Stories or some custom types while in ServiceNow you can have Incidents, Service Requests etc. Common use case is to create a Bug from Incident, so when support identifies an incident being caused by some error or issue, a Bug should be created in other app. For that you need to map Bug and Incident type, like on a screenshot above.

  • Items of types other than those that are mapped will not be synchronized

  • You can map multiple types to one type. E.g. Bug, Task and Story should all create an Issue in GitLab. But when GitLab issue will be created, first type from the top will be taken

How integrations are executed?

Integrations are executed in intervals specified in Settings (3) configuration. Dedicated thread / background job is constantly checking if there is any integration to run. If so, integration is run and for each app Getint is trying to find changes that occurred since the last execution. For every Run entry is being that can be found in Reporting -> Runs page.

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