Creating a ServiceNow User for Getint Integration

In general scenarios, Admin access is not provided to a ServiceNow instance. The best practice/recommendation is to create a dedicated user (with several different access controls) to connect a ServiceNow instance to Getint and sync the data.

How to Create a ServiceNow User

1. User creation:

  • Log in to ServiceNow, click All at the top left corner, and navigate to the Users (under User Administration) section

  • Click on New to create a new user, and enter all relevant user details

  • Enter the user details

  • Click Submit to create the user

2. Create a role:

  • Navigate to System Security > Users and Groups >Roles

  • Click on New and enter relevant details for the new role

  • Click Submit to create the role

3. Elevate system admin to security admin:

  • Click on your profile image and select Elevate Role. In the pop-up, choose security_admin and click Update. This step elevates the System Admin to Security Admin

  • Go to System Security > Access Control (ACL). Now in the ACL, create six new records as follows:

Record 1:

  • Click New to create a new record

  • Select Read from the Operation dropdown

  • In the Name field, select Dictionary Entry [sys_dictionary] in the first dropdown and * in the second dropdown

  • Provide a Description

  • In the Requires Role section, add the role created in Step 2 above

  • Click Submit at the top right corner, and Continue to create the new ACL record

Record 2:

  • Repeat the steps as Record 1, but this time select None in the second dropdown instead of the * (asterisk)

Record 3:

  • Repeat the previous steps, but in the Name field, choose Field class [sys_glide_object] in the first dropdown and * in the second dropdown

Record 4:

  • Repeat the previous steps, but in the Name field, choose Choice [sys_choice] in the first dropdown and * in the second dropdown

Record 5:

  • Repeat the previous steps, but in the Name field, choose Field class [sys_glide_object] in the first dropdown and None in the second dropdown

Record 6:

  • Repeat the previous steps, but in the Name field, choose Journal Entry [sys_journal_field] and None in the second dropdown

Do not forget to add the getint role in the Requires role section for all six records.

4. Configure user permissions:

  • Go to Users Administration > Users

  • Search for the user created in Step 1

  • Click on the user ID and navigate to the Entitled Custom Tables section

  • In the Roles tab, click Edit

  • In the Collections section:

    • Search for itil and move it to the Roles list

    • Also, search for the role created in Step 2 and add it to the Roles list

  • Click Save and then Update to finalize the changes for the user

With these steps, all permissions are now configured for this ServiceNow user, allowing to establish a connection between Getint and ServiceNow.

Last updated