Jira HubSpot integration

In today's fast-paced business environment, integrating your project management tools with customer relationship management platforms is essential for maintaining seamless operations and maximizing efficiency. Getint's Jira-Hubspot integration brings together the robust issue-tracking capabilities of Jira with the dynamic CRM functionalities of Hubspot, ensuring a continuous flow of information and enhanced collaboration across your teams. Whether you're looking to set up a two-way or a one-way integration, this comprehensive guide will help you establish a streamlined connection, boosting productivity and facilitating superior project management.

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

0. Access the Getint App in Jira

Navigate to "Apps" and select "Hubspot Integration for Jira"

1. Create Integration

Click "Create integration" for ongoing sync or "Migration" to transfer existing data: Migration Guide.

2. Token Generation (Password for Jira Cloud)

For Jira Cloud, generate a Jira token. This token will act as your password:

  • Go to Atlassian Account Settings.

  • Navigate to Security and generate an API token, then use this token as the password for Jira integration.

3. Choose the Apps and Establish Connections

  • Ensure you are logged in as a user with admin rights, click "Select App" and choose Jira.

  • Select "Create New" to establish a new connection with your Jira instance and add the URL of your Jira instance (omit the trailing "/").

  • Enter the login credentials of the admin user.

4. Select the Jira Project

  • Once the connection is established, choose the Jira project you want to connect to from the dropdown menu.

5. Connect to Hubspot

  • Select the Hubspot app and tap on "Create a new connection" Use the Personal token created following the instructions in the guide: Connections

  • Tap on "Connect"

6. Type Mapping

Map the Jira issue types you want to sync with Hubspot tasks, such as mapping a Hubspot task to a Jira issue or a Jira bug.

Consider using the "Quick Build" beta feature for automated type and field mapping, which can facilitate the setup process.

7. Field Mapping

Review or manually map which fields to integrate and sync within supported mapped types, make any necessary modifications, and hit apply

Advanced Settings


If needed, enable the integration and synchronization of comments.

  • Filter the comments with criteria that suit you. Make them private/public or use the preferred attributes such as created date or author.

9. Statuses Mapping

Enable status mapping, then map the statuses as desired.

  • Specify the Hubspot field that will keep the status data from Jira, ensuring fields in Hubspot mirror your Jira setup (e.g., To do - To do, Done - Done).

Note: In HubSpot, each mapped type has a different status field. For example, a Deal maps to Stage, while a Ticket maps to Ticket Status. Identify the correct field for the mapped type to ensure the status transition syncs properly.

Finalize Integration

10. Name the Integration and Click "Create"

Name your integration and click "Create" to finalize the setup.

11. Filtering

It is possible to filter the synchronization to have them customized for your needs and requirements.

UI Filtering Option:

  • Click on the filtering icon near the app icon in your integration. This will apply to that side of the integration.

  • Select if the filtering applies to All, New, and Synced items.

  • Note that if the option "New items" is selected, the filtering will apply only to the new items, and the already synced items will continue to sync and update. If the option "Synced items" is selected, only the already synced items will be updated based on that filter.

  • Choose the options and add the value for the filter. It is possible to filter more than one option for each field.

  • Select Apply once you created the filters and "Save" the integration.

12. Test the Integration

To ensure everything is working correctly, create tasks and go to the reporting section to verify that all syncs are functioning as expected. If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team for assistance.


Following these steps, you can effectively integrate Jira with Hubspot, ensuring smooth synchronization of tasks, issues, and workflows between the two platforms. This setup enhances collaboration and project management processes.

For further assistance contact our support at support@getint.io.

Last updated