Jira Azure DevOps integration

Seamlessly integrate Jira (Software/Service Management) with Azure DevOps, compatible with Jira Cloud/Data Center/Server and Azure DevOps Cloud/OnPremise.

The Jira-Azure DevOps integration provided by Getint allows users to seamlessly sync their project data between the two platforms. After setting up the integration, users will be able to view and manage their Jira tickets, tasks, bugs, and epics directly within Azure DevOps or vice versa. This provides a unified workspace to track projects and collaborate with various teams.

The guide below is your key to achieving seamless 2-way or 1-way integration between Jira and Azure DevOps. Given the unique characteristics of each tool, a thoughtful approach is essential for a successful setup. With Getint, ease and efficiency are at your fingertips. Our streamlined 3-minute setup process empowers you to establish a functional MVP integration in minutes. Getint’s dedicated team is on standby to facilitate your journey, offering personalized onboarding calls, expert support through our portal, custom script assistance for complex scenarios, and bespoke development solutions as needed.

0. Access the Getint App in Jira:

  • Navigate to Jira, go to "Apps," and select "the Getint app."

  • Select “Create Integration” then “Continuous Sync” or "Migration" based on your requirements.

1. Token Generation for Jira Cloud:

  • Visit Atlassian Account Settings.

  • Go to Security

  • Navigate to the API Token section and generate a token. This token serves as the password for Jira Cloud.

2. Establish a Connection with Jira:

  • Ensure you're logged in as a user with the correct permissions

  • Click "Select App" and choose Jira.

  • Select "Create New" to establish a new connection with your Jira instance.

  • Name your connection, and add the URL of your Jira instance (without "/" at the end).

  • Provide the login credentials.

3. Choose the Jira Project:

  • With a successful connection, a dropdown menu will appear.

  • Select the Jira project you want to integrate.

4. Connect to DevOps:

  • Login to Azure DevOps app as an admin.

  • Navigate to the “Personal access tokens” by clicking on user profile section icon, as depicted in the screenshot below.

  • Click “New Token” to create a new token to be used for the Getint Integration.

  • Input a value for the name, choose the relevant Organizaion and expiration, select the Scopes to “Full Access”

  • Click “Create” and a token gets generated. Save it to be used during connection Setup in Getint.

5. Configure Getint for Azure DevOps:

  • In the Getint app, choose "Azure DevOps" as the connection app.

  • Select "Create a new connection," provide a URL for the connection, and click “Next”

  • In the next screen, provide a name for the connection, Input Email and token (generated with above steps). Then Click “Add”.

  • Select the connection you want to integrate.

  • Choose the Azure DevOps database to synchronize.

6. Map Types:

  • Link Jira types (Task, Bug, Epic, Story) to synchronize in Azure DevOps.

  • Specify the fields for integration or synchronization.

7. Field Mapping:

  • Map key fields, such as title/summary and description.

  • After configuring, name and save your integration settings.

8. Filtering:

It is possible to filter the synchronization to have them customized for your needs and requirements.

UI Filtering Option:

  • Click on the filtering icon near the app icon in your integration. This will apply to that side of the integration.

  • Select if the filtering will apply to All items, New items, and Synced items.

  • Note that if the option “New items” is selected, the filtering will apply only to the new items, and the already synced items will continue to sync and update. If the option “Synced items” is selected, only the already synced items will be updated based on that filter.

  • Choose the options and add the value for the filter. It is possible to filter more than one option for each field.

  • Select Apply once you created the filters and Save the integration.

JQL Filtering:

  • Select the app that will receive the filter.

  • Under the field Custom JQL, it is possible to provide a JQL, which will be the filter for your sync and appended to the one generated when searching for issues in Jira (e.g., status in ('In Progress')).

  • Save the integration.

9. Synchronizing Statuses and Comments/Attachments:

Status Synchronization: Status refers to the various phases a ticket goes through, such as New, Open, In Progress, Resolved, or Closed. Tracking ticket status is crucial for efficient service and prioritizing requests. Getint provides you with the flexibility to synchronize statuses to ensure uniformity on both sides. A dedicated tab is in place for establishing Status Mapping.

If status synchronization is enabled but the status values are not mapped, a warning sign is displayed as shown below.

Mapping status values can be easily achieved in the "Status" tab.

  • Auto-Mapping - This AI-based feature provides closely matching options from both sides on the screen.

  • Manual Mapping - Choose the available options and map them accordingly with the other side. Most common used Status options:

    • Open

    • In Progress

    • Pending

    • Resolved

    • Closed

    Once the values have been mapped, click “Apply” and then click “Save” to save the integration.

Synchronizing Comments & Attachments

Getint supports additional configurations for synchronizing both Comments and Attachments. You can set up these configurations from the 'Comments & Attachments' tab, which is available in the 'Type Mapping Configuration' screen.

Synchronizing Comments

  1. Comments synchronization is enabled by default but can be disabled as per business requirements.

  2. The synchronization direction, whether one-way or both ways, can be selected.

  1. Choose whether the counterpart ticket URL, comment author, and creation date should be displayed during comment synchronization.

  2. Select whether comments should be visible as private or public based on security requirements.

After selecting all the options based on business and security requirements, click 'Apply' to implement the relevant settings.

Synchronizing Attachments

  1. You can enable synchronizing attachments as below:

  1. Additionally, you can enable/disable Delete attachments depending on your requirement to allow/disallow attachments to be deleted from the counterpart

10. Duplicate Setup and Select Different Projects:

  • Go to Workflows.

  • Click on the 3 dots on the right side and select "duplicate."

  • A side panel will appear. Select a new name for the integration (by default, the integration will be called “copy of” if the same projects are established).

  • On the dropdown menu, select the projects that you would like to integrate.

  • For each side, select Connect. Then Duplicate.

  • Save the new integration.

Last updated